Oil Chef FAQ | Answers to Your Questions About Cooking Oil Optimization


The OiL Chef device is an award-winning deep fryer accessory that doubles the life of the frying oil or shortening. The eco-friendly product addresses the rising cost of food facing the Restaurant and Takeaway industry with significant price increases to cooking oil and shortening in the last few years. OiL Chef is a sustainable initiative that reduces costs, improves quality and reduces environmental impact.

It works as a catalyst on a molecular level to slow down oxidation, delaying oil breakdown and stopping the polymerization process (thickening of oil), providing you with extended use of the oil in your fryer and significantly reducing oil change frequency.
Polymerization is a process whereby oil molecules clump together in deep frying oil as a result of oxidation, heat, moisture and other reactions and combinations. This is very significant…
By OiL Chef acting at a molecular level, keeping the oil molecules from bonding together, you end up with the oil remaining in a thinner/finer form for a longer time, resulting in longer use of deep fryer oils. OiL Chef also has been proven to slow down the rate of oxidation in cold oil which has a significant impact for cold oil storage.

You will reduce oil consumption and by extension oil purchases as well as oil disposal by 35% to 65%. This can equate to tens of thousands of dollars each month/quarter/year depending on the size of your operation eg number of locations and the size and number of deep fryers at each location.


You will realize savings and see a difference in food quality and crispiness within the first basket of food you cook when using the OiL Chef device. ROI (Return On Investment) is between 3 – 9 months. In other words, you will see savings starting the first month to offset the purchase of the OiL Chef device.

Each OiL Chef device purchased comes with a three-year warranty and should only be replaced every three(3) years. For example, if you purchased and installed it in your deep fryer today, the OiL Chef device will continue to work as designed for the next 3 years.

OiL Chef is a simple plug and play system, which once installed does not have to leave your deep fryer for three years if you boil out your fryer at each new oil change.

Food cooked, using our OiL Chef product, contains less calories and fat as less of the cooking oil is absorbed.

The OiL Chef device delays the production of TPM’s(Total Polar Material – The higher the TPM value, the lower the quality of the oil and the more it should be replaced), FFA’s(Free Fatty Acids – susceptible to oxidation aging and becoming rancid more quickly), Peroxides and acrylamides which can be harmful byproducts normally generated in the oil.

The OiL Chef device enhances the oil's heat conductivity and suppresses oxidation, identified to be a source of concern in that harmful byproducts may migrate to the foods during deep fry cooking cycle.

Additionally, for restaurant owners still using hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil, OiL Chef afforded savings in oil can be used as a practical leverage for a burden-less transition to the more expensive yet healthier Trans Fat Free cooking oil.

The OiL Chef device has been proven to provide at least 6 major positive impacts for the user:

Removes flavor transfer in oil
Ability to fry different foods in the same fryer, the same oil and reduce the flavor transfer/flavor contamination onto and between those foods by over 99%

Increased thermal conductivity
Greater heat transfer gives the ability to reduce frying temperatures and frying times without compromising food quality.

Increased hold-times/shelf life
Deep fried food maintains its crispy texture for longer periods when OiL Chef is in the oil. Improved ‘Hold’ times can and do vary between the food groups. For example, for French fries, hold time can be increased by as much as an additional 25 minutes, and for chicken, we’ve demonstrated increased texture ‘Hold’ time by as much as an additional 90 minutes. During the frying process, the forcible catalytic effect of the OiL Chef technology reduces the oxygen content on the surface of the food, yields an increase in food hold times in hot cases and adds value to food delivery operations as crispier food is preferred by the end customers.

Reduced Oil PickUp/Saturation
Using OiL Chef in the cooking medium significantly reduced the volume of oil pick up by at least 3% and in some cases by up to 64% without negatively affecting the food flavor profile. Fried food absorbs less when using OiL Chef.

Increased food texture
Food fried in the oil that is being conditioned by the OiL Chef technology is crispier. This is because of several different factors such as higher heat penetration onto the surface of the food which creates a crispier and more robust surface crust on the food thus reducing the ability of the food to soak up or absorb oil. This increase in the crispy texture of the food, combined with OiL Chef absorbing oxygen at a molecular level from the food – increases the texture shelf life of the food, which is great for food deliveries.

Consistent color profile
As frying oil starts to break down and starts to discolor, fried food tends to start mirroring the color of the oil and as the oil gets darker – so too does the food you are cooking. With OiL Chef in the fryer, as the oil becomes darker, the food retains the fresh, clean color profile you achieve in the first few frying cycles.

OiL Chef is a still and motionless device that you place in the oil fryer, boiled out at each new oil fryer change and replace every three(3) years. Each OiL Chef device purchased comes with a three(3) year warranty, has no replacement parts, nor breakable parts, and requires virtually zero maintenance – only needs to be boiled out at each new oil fryer change.

For example, if you purchased and installed it in your deep fryer today, the OiL Chef device will continue to work as designed for the next 3 years.

The OiL Chef device consists of 2 parts, outer protective housing and internal technology.
The first part, the protective housing, consists of food grade perforated stainless steel.

The second part, the internal technology, is a trade secret formulation of rare and precious metals.
We “mine a rare earth” (Yes you read this correctly, we have a team of miners who get down and dirty to produce the great earth with which we then create a very special ceramic bead. Pottery at a whole new level!) and bake this to form a specialist ceramic pellet. This pellet is then sintered with the trade secret formulation of both rare and precious metals, of which one is silver. These pellets are then placed and housed in our protective food grade stainless steel cartridge. The OiL Chef device only needs to be replaced every three years and has a non-use shelf life of more than one hundred years.

Yes, a full (three) 3-year warranty.
OiL Chef is not a filter, it is not a chemical, it has no breakable parts, it is virtually maintenance free and requires no wires, no power, and is a simple 3-second self-installation syste.

The OiL Chef device consists of 2 parts, outer protective housing and internal technology.
The first part, the protective housing, consists of food grade perforated stainless steel.
The second part, the internal technology, is a trade secret formulation of rare and precious metals.
We mine a rare earth and bake this to form a specialist ceramic pellet. This pellet is then fused with the trade secret formulation of both rare and precious metals, of which one is silver. These pellets are then placed and housed in our protective food grade stainless steel cartridge. The cartridge, including its contents, only needs to be replaced every three years and has a non-use shelf life over one hundred years.

Porous structure:
There are billions of pores over the catalytic pellets. Once the device has been exposed to the oil in the fryer, it should not thereafter be allowed to dry up completely. That is because the oily remnants may end up in some of the pores and block them from being fully functional. Therefore, the OiL Chef device should be kept immersed in the oil all the time except when boiling out.

No. OiL Chef is not an oil filter, however, OiL Chef compliments any filtering system you may be using.While the OiL Chef device works as a reforming catalyst, a filtration system is used to filter out burned food particles and other sediments from the oil. Fundamentally, the OiL Chef prevents oil from breaking down and extends its useful life appreciably longer through its reconditioning functionality.

No, there are many different units for different types of fryers.
No replacement parts and no breakable parts. Virtually zero maintenance – only needs to be boiled out at each new oil fryer change.

Eco Friendly Chef Corp includes OiL Chef and Better Fry under our award-winning banner.
OiL Chef dedicated to Food Service and Hospitality sector and Better Fry, our World First-industrial application for large batch fryers & continuous line fryers for Food processors & food manufacturers.

OiL Chef SP-Y: Standard Edition

  • For commercial gas fryer floor model
  • Compatible with most commercial gas, electric and pressure and continuous line fryers, such as Frymaster, Dean Pitco, Imperial, American Range Henny Penny, BKI, Volcan to name a few.

OiL Chef HP-Y: High Edion

  • For commercial gas fryers with high volume. Compatible with all open pot Fryers

SIMPLE SELF-INSTALLATION IS ALL YOU NEED TO DEPLOY OUR DEVICE IN YOUR FRYER (Pressure Fryer, Open Pot Gas Fryer, Electric Fryer, Gas Tube Fryer, etc)
Here are a couple of examples:
Effortless Installation Of Oil Chef In Falcon Split Pot Fryer

How to install OiL Chef in fish pans

OiL Chef Installation in Gas Tube Fryer

Yes, if you call boiling out, cleaning!! Maintenance for the OiL Chef device is extremely simple and practically hands off… here are the 2 recommended methods used by our customers to maintain the device in optimal working condition.

  • If you boil out your fryers, you do not need to remove the OiL Chef device.
    Continue your boil-outs as per usual leaving the OiL Chef device in the fryer.
  • If you do not boil-out your fryers, the OiL Chef device needs to be boiled out at each new oil change cycle
      - Place both the OiL Chef device and the mounting adapter in fresh boiling water for 20minutes
      NOTE: It’s not necessary to use soap or chemical detergent during the product boil out.
      - At the end of the boil-out remove OiL Chef device, drain/shake off excess water and wipe the cartridge with a cloth to remove oil and/or discoloration before placing it back into your fryer
      - Place the device back in the fryer.

It is highly important the device is kept immersed in the oil all the time, 24x7, except when boiling out.

We have designed and developed specialist units for these fryers. Please enquire for further details to OiLChef @ OiLChef.com

Yes! Food cooked, using our OiL Chef product, contains less calories and fat as less of the cooking oil is absorbed.
The OiL Chef device also enhances the oil's heat conductivity and suppresses oxidation, identified to be a source of concern in that harmful byproducts may migrate to the foods during the deep fry cooking cycle.

The OiL Chef device delays the production of TPM’s(Total Polar Material – The higher the TPM value, the lower the quality of the oil and the more it should be replaced), FFA’s(Free Fatty Acids – susceptible to oxidation aging and becoming rancid more quickly), Peroxides and acrylamides which can be harmful byproducts normally generated in the oil.

Additionally, for restaurant owners still using hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil, OiL Chef afforded savings in oil can be used as a practical leverage for a burden-less transition to the more expensive yet healthier Trans Fat Free cooking oil.

What is TFA (Trans Fatty Acids)?
The essential fatty acids (contained mostly in polyunsaturated oils) are one of the most important nutrients because, without them, there is no life. They are the substance and foundation of life energy. There are four kinds of fats: monounsaturated fat polyunsaturated fat, saturated fat, and trans-fat. Monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat are the "good" fats. There is a conflict of opinion about saturated fat, but the majority opinion is that consumption of saturated fat should be kept low, especially in adulthood. Of all the fats in our diet, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are the very worst. The reason they're so bad is because they contain toxic trans fatty acids. Trans fatty acids are fat molecules that have been chemically altered through the hydrogenation process of oil for better shelf life. These deformed fatty acids wreak havoc in our bodies. Recent research has shown that they contribute to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, MS, and many other health problems. They are far more dangerous than any other fat known. Because of these dangers, many health organizations have pressured the FDA to enact a regulation requiring food manufacturers to include the amount of trans fatty acids on package labels. Before taking this step, however, the FDA waited three years for the Institute of Medicine to study the issue. After a detailed review of all the medical research on trans fay acids, the Institute of Medicine recently released its findings. They announced that no level of trans fat is safe to consume! This announcement came as a surprise because usually, the Institute of Medicine recommends what they consider to be a safe limit of consumption for toxic food additives. In this case, however, they stated that no level is safe. That means we should avoid trans fatty acids completely. In July 2003, the FDA announced that it would require mandatory trans-fat labelling by the year 2006. Among the reasons for which many restaurant owners tend to hesitate with their decision to replace with a Trans Fat Free oil may be the higher price. Among what makes such non-hydrogenated oil to be more expensive compared with hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil is its substantially shorter shelf life as well as its relative scarcity in supply. Our OiL Chef products can be a realistic solution in that restaurants may draw upon the OiL Chef afforded savings in oil as a practical leverage for their burden-less transition to the more expensive yet healthier cooking oil.

What does OiL Chef do with TFA?
Among the reasons for which many restaurant owners tend to hesitate with their decision to replace with a Trans Fat Free oil may be the higher price. Among what makes such non-hydrogenated oil more expensive compared with hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil is its substantially shorter shelf life as well as its relative scarcity in supply. Our OiL Chef products can be a realistic solution in the circumstance in which restaurants may draw upon the OiL Chef afforded savings in oil as a practical leverage for their burden-less transition to the more expensive yet healthier cooking oil.

Due to extremely high heat during deep frying, the oil molecules lump together, causing longer cooking time. However, the OiL Chef device de-clusters the lumped oil into finer form, improving the heat conductivity that enables quicker cooking at lower temperatures. It can be said that heating a pot of water is easy, but a pot of sauce or gravy takes more attention as we have to stir it, because the liquid doesn’t transfer the heat equally, so think of the OiL Chef solution as keeping your oil in the thinner finer form like the pot of water instead of the usual gravy!

Clustered Oil Molecule characteristics

  • Harder to heat
  • Transfer heat slower
  • Soggy and oily fries
  • Dispersed Oil Molecule characteristics
  • Easier to heat
  • Transfer heat faster
  • Crispier & healthier fries

Some restaurants including nationwide restaurant chains, have been determining oil replacement frequency by its color. The oil color turns dark as its use repeats. However, it is primarily dependent on the burned food particles and crumbs. Oil breakdown should be determined by the amount of byproducts from oxidation and thermal polymerization. The amount of polar compounds in the oil and oil viscosity can indicate the degree of its breakdown.

OiL Chef is a game changer and industry disruptor. Using the OiL Chef technology in your fryer, enables you to produce great quality food, even as your oil has darkened in color.This unique competitive advantage encourages you to focus on what you’re selling and not what you’re buying. Food quality is # 1, as it is what your customers will judge you on!
We all know you can’t produce good food from bad oil. OiL Chef helps you focus on food quality, not your oil.

According to our customer reports, the first few differences noticeable from using the OiL Chef device include:


Typically, fryer temperature settings without our device can be between 350°F and 400°F.
When using our OiL Chef device, the recommended fryer temperature settings are determined by each client through a simple, less than 30-minute, initial evaluation process. Most of our clients experience successful fryer temperature reduction of 15°F to 25°F while maintaining the same cooking times or less at these new lower temperatures. All clients notice a cleaner, crispier and less oily product in these new settings.

When using our OiL Chef device, our customers significantly reduce oil replacement frequency, typically, between 35% and 65%.

Restaurants in general tend to establish their oil replacement cycles based on their best judgment and experience. What forms the basis on which to decide on oil replacement includes foaming, smoking, oil discoloration, inferior food taste, and loss of crispiness, to name some.

Using the Oi LChef device makes it possible for prolonged use of the oil significantly beyond the previously established oil change cycle.

You will notice:
a lesser formation of foams,
significant delay to the smoking point,
lighter food color with improved and consistent food flavor profile being unaffected by the oil’s visual change in color,
a lot longer and consistent food quality including better texture.

If you follow our 3 basic operating guidelines, you will save a fortune.
If you do not follow our 3 basic operating guidelines, you will save money.
The choice is yours!

We’re doing our part by providing you with a 14-day money back guarantee* on your first unit purchased so you can see the results for yourself. * a credit card or other payment method is required. If the OiL Chef device doesn’t do what we say, we will refund your credit card immediately after the OiL Chef unit is returned. We will pay for return shipping.

If you’re anything like us, we like to try things before we buy them.
To that end, we encourage our customers to ‘try’ our device in their busiest fryer for 2 weeks.

Once you see the positive results firsthand, we have come to know, you will order additional units for the rest of your deep fryers.

Over the ten plus years we have been part of the OiL Chef journey, we discovered it is to the consumer’s advantage to pay for a single unit via credit card and then to provide them with a free sample. Free samples aren’t handled in the same way as something you have paid for and have some responsibility for its proper use and handling. Our 14-day money back guarantee assures you of a no risk purchase to try our OiL Chef device and see the benefit for yourself.

You can install the OiL Chef device as soon as it is delivered.

Yes. Large-scale food processing factories will require a custom design device from our sister brand - Better Fry - according to their configurations and their food processing variables.
Please contact us for information.

No. OiL Chef is a still and motionless device that you place in the oil fryer, boiled out at each new oil fryer change and replace every 3 years.

OiL Chef works with any kind of and all oil, including shortening (hydrogenated, partially hydrogenated or non-hydrogenated), genuine vegetable oils, and even animal fat.

OiL Chef is manufactured in USA and can be shipped anywhere around the world in 7 – 10 business days.

  • Unlike other products on the market, truly, Oil Chef is virtually unbreakable, maintenance free
  • It comes with a true 3 yr warranty and has no breakable or replaceable parts
  • It is a sophisticated plug and play system requiring no ongoing maintenance costs
  • It is made in North America
  • Unlike powders, chemicals and other additives that some companies supply for oil life improvement, the OiL Chef device does not require any additional storage, labor disposal or weekly costs.

Ready to see how much you could save?