Explore Resources & Guides | Oil Chef

What is Oil Chef?

commercial deep fryer
commercial deep fryer

OiL Chef is the sustainability champion added to deep fryers in professional kitchens.

commercial deep fryer

This multiple award-winning technology delays the cooking oil from ageing and enables operators to use less energy during cooking cycles.

commercial deep fryer

OiL Chef saves time, energy, environmental waste and significantly reduces carbon footprint –while adding superior value to food quality.

commercial deep fryer

How does it work?

  • There is no magic! – only science!
  • The forcible catalytic effects of OiL Chef, work as a stopper agent against deterioration of the fat and oil.
  • Generating molecular oxygen in the oil - through catalytic absorption of O2 onto the ceramic pellets’ near infinite surface areas.
  • This active molecular oxygen cuts the chains of lumpy oil bodies that raise oil viscosity.
  • It keeps the oil in finer form, improving heat conductivity that enables quicker cooking at lower temperatures.
  • It prevents oil from breaking down resulting in less harmful by-products in the oil and less oil being absorbed by the food being fried/blanched.

How is OiL Chef Installed?

Simple 2 second self-installation, as easy as 1, 2, 3.

How to clean your Oil Chef

30 second tutorial on how to clean your Oii Chef